The Life Company

Next Gene Scientific is a solution provider for life sciences kits, reagents, molecular diagnostics kits (Mdx), instruments and general laboratory equipments.

Company Overview and Services

A biotechnological company managing expectations in academic research and research institutions across Malaysia. We are associated with world-renowned life science providers to enhance your experience in research planning and development, providing a range of services and products in molecular cell biology such as extraction and purification kits, primer synthesis, Sanger sequencing services as well as Next Generation Sequencing, in addition to protein researches including western blot, SDS-PAGE, antibodies production and services in identifying gene and protein expression.

Cell and System Biology Research Support

Next Gene Scientific is committed to providing major support in cell and system biology research from world renown company well versed in biological sciences and provides for the research in this field including classic cell media, iPSC and stem cell research, 3D cell cultures system support, cytokines and small molecules in cellular signaling. Adding to this, various instrument for cell monitoring and analysis, transfection as well as cell isolation are available to ease researchers in producing result & publication.

Microbiological Research Solutions

We are also prominent provider for microbiological researches, supporting those in clinical, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, environmental and veterinary applications by providing research components such as antibiotics for antimicrobial susceptibility research and pre-poured media plates for your convenience, in addition to molecular diagnostics kit of infectious diseases such as respiratory, blood borne diseases, transplants, tropical and sexually transmitted diseases.

Chemical Supplies and Laboratory Equipment

Not to be overlooked, are the chemicals supplies for various types of biochemical testing and chromatography such as GCMS, LCMS and HPLC applications. Laboratory wares such as plastic and glassware as well as consumables we carry are on par with internationally recognized standards and customizable according to your requirements.

Customer Service Commitment

Not least of all, our company culture place great importance in customer service and will do our utmost to ensure that you have what is required to fulfill your research needs.